Python Web Frameworks

Top 30 Python Web Frameworks to Use in 2023

  • Web
  • July 5, 2019

Amongst the many programming languages that exist, Python stands as the simplest and most powerful. Its versatility and object-orientation makes programming easy and effective.

Its high-level data structures, dynamic semantics and easy-to-learn syntax enable concentrating on the solution instead of the problem.

This makes it the most ideal language for quick data analysis, scripting and web development. Because of its simplicity, it further enables modular programming and code reuse, thus, cutting the cost of program maintenance.

With code readability and proper use of whitespace in its core, Python is the most favored programming language amid professionals.

Read also: Top Reasons Why Python Development is Widely Used in Enterprise

However, it is not accompanied by built-in features. This is why, to accelerate tasks and take care of the nuances of execution, developers heavily rely on frameworks – the packages and modules that let them write web applications without the need for process management.

Python web frameworks help developers automate redundant task, thus lowering development time.

The best part is Python allows a greater scope of frameworks; there’s never a scarcity. Each framework comes with its own advantages and shortcomings.

Types of Python Frameworks

The primary types are three – full-stack, microframework and asynchronous. Developers can select them based on project requirements and individual preferences. Let’s discuss the types of Python web frameworks in brief:

Full-Stack Framework

These frameworks provide developers with full support. Full-stack frameworks are like a one-stop shop that includes everything – right from form generators to form validation and template layouts.

Micro Framework

As their name suggests, a micro framework is light-weight. It doesn’t come with additional features or functionalities.

So, if you are looking for form validation, database abstraction layer, project specific tools, and libraries, you’d be disappointed.

However, if you need to manually add huge amounts of code and additional requirements, micro frameworks are your best bet.

Asynchronous Framework

This one is relatively recent. This framework is similar to micro frameworks, but enables developers to handle concurrent connections in bulk. Asynchronous frameworks feed on Python’s asyncio library.

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Top 30 Python Web Frameworks of 2023

To help you decide, we’ve compiled a list of 30 best Python Frameworks for web development that are trending in 2023.

Type: Full-Stack Framework

1. Django

Django is a free, open-source, high-level framework that’s ridiculously fast. It allows developers to rapidly and flexibly work on complex codes and applications. It further makes use of pragmatic designs so the process of web application development can be streamlined.

Django is favorite among developers because of its mighty assortment of libraries and cutting-edge features such as authentication mechanism, content administration, template engine, URL routing, and database schema migration.

Furthermore, Django supports databases such as PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, and SQLite – a reason why it is extensively implemented in high-traffic sites and social media platforms like The Washington Times, Mozilla, Bitbucket, Disqus, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Overall, Django is one of the most sought after full-stack framework because it enables hassle-free web development, incredible effectiveness, reusability of components and less coding.

Also, it offers security and allows developers to steer clear of common mistakes such as clickjacking, cross-site scripting, forgery, and SQL injection.

Checklist to cheer for Django

  • Ninja Speed
  • Feature Rich
  • Security
  • Versatility
  • Scalability

2. CherryPy

Type: Micro framework

CherryPy is open-source, just like Django. Additionally, it is object-oriented and comes with its own HTTP/1.1-compliant WSGI multi-strung web server.

Interestingly, it allows users to contribute! Any web application developed using CherryPy can be run on all Python-supported OSes, including Linux/Unix, Windows and Mac. It won’t need an Apache server at all.

The framework allows quick development of smaller source codes. Apart from the thread-pooled web server, it also includes features such as module framework and setup framework that simplify data access, templating, and handling of sessions, files, cookies, and uploads.

It further carries built-in support for documentation tasks such as profiling, coverage, and testing.

With CherryPy, developers can run multiple HTTP servers at the same time. This micro framework contains tools for default caching, encoding, and authorization. It is super fast, super stable, and super reliable.

Checklist to cheer for CherryPy

  • HTTP/1.1-compliant WSGI thread-pooled web server
  • Multiple HTTP Server Support
  • Powerful Configuration
  • Flexible Plugin
  • Minimalism
  • Quick Development Time
  • Android Compliant

3. Bottle

Type: Micro framework

Like Cherry.Py, Bottle is minimalistic, too. It was originally conceived for building web APIs. Due to its small size, Bottle allows every web application to be executed in a single source file without dependencies, except that on the Python Standard Library.

It is a simple and fast micro framework that comes with adapter support for third-party template engines. This apart, it also supports WSGI/HTTP servers.

With a built-in HTTP server and plugin support for varied databases, Bottle allows access form data, HTTP metadata, cookies and file uploads and offers request-dispatching routes that come with URL-parameter support.

Overall, it is a lightweight framework, which is very easy to use and enables building simplistic apps for personal use. It is ideal for figuring out the organization of web frameworks and prototyping and perfect for building RESTful services.

Most of all, it offers developers the advantage of working closer to the hardware. No wonder Netflix implements Bottle for its web interfaces!

Checklist to cheer for Bottle

  • Lightweight
  • Minimalism
  • Support for third-party template engine
  • Built-in HTTP server
  • Support for WSHI/HTTP servers
  • Support for database plugins
  • Access to form data, cookies, file upload, and HTTP metadata
  • Request-dispatching routes with URL-parameter support

4. CubicWeb

Type: Full-Stack Framework

CubicWeb is an open-source Python framework that uses components called ‘cubes’ to build web applications instead of the regular views and models.

Multiple cubes are clumped together to create an instance using a database, a web server and a few configuration files.

When it comes to semantic web application development that bespeaks quality, efficiency, and reusability, this framework is ideal for end-to-end solutions.

The framework comes with a query language known as RQL which functions in a way similar to W3C’s SPARQL. This embedding simplifies data-related queries.

However, in order to develop fully functional web applications, CubicWeb needs to have its data model defined. It further makes use of selection+view mechanism to generate semi-automatic XHTML/XML/JSON/text and for a reusable components library.

Checklist to cheer for CubicWeb

  • Reusable Components
  • OWL and RDF Support
  • RQL Embedding
  • Multiple Database Support
  • Good Security Workflow

5. Dash

Type: Micro framework

Dash is yet another open-source micro framework that’s exclusively designed for developing analytical web application.

Built on Flask, Plotly.js, React and ReactJs, this one’s a data scientist favorite tool because it doesn’t demand much knowledge of the mechanics of web development.

All Dash web apps are cross-platform compatible and mobile-ready. Any web application built using this framework has two parts – a layout which describes how the appearance of the app, and a functionality, which describes its interactivity.

These are web servers that run Flask and use HTTP requests to communicate with JSON packets. The frontend of such applications uses ReactJS.

Dash offers a greater degree of customization which makes it easy to build PythonIt dashboards. Its simple interface is useful in rendering UI controls on value property as dropdowns, graphs and sliders.

This Python framework also enables HTML classes to generate HTML content.

Checklist to cheer for Dash

  • Simple UI
  • Low Demand for Boilerplate Code
  • Error Loading Layout
  • LDAP Integration
  • Customizability
  • Plugin Support
  • URL Routing

6. Flask

Type: Micro framework

Flask is a micro framework that comes with a built-in development server and debugger.

However, it does not contain any built-in database interaction. To compensate, the Flask-SQLAlchemy package connects web applications built on Flask to an SQL database using only the database URL.

Additionally, this one is BSD-licensed and supports unit testing. It allows establishing secure client-side sessions and is absolutely compatible with Google App Engine. Modeled in the lines of Sinatra Ruby framework, Flask requires Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template.

It is lightweight and showcases a high degree of adaptability. The best part – developers who use Flask can enjoy building robust web applications using any kind of extensions!

Checklist to cheer for Flask

  • Unicode-based
  • Built-in Debugger
  • Built-in Development Server
  • Jinja2 Templating
  • WSGI 1.0 compliance
  • Plugin Support for any ORM
  • Unit Testing Support
  • Cookie Support for Client-Side Sessions
  • HTTP Request Handling
  • RESTful Request Dispatching

7. Hug

Type: Micro framework

An API developed using Hug can be used anywhere. This makes the micro framework a choice among Python developers.

It simplifies API development via multiple interfaces and has been dubbed as the fastest web framework for Python 3.

Hug allows quick and easy development of web applications regardless of whether the developer is doing local development or using HTTP or even the CLI. It compiles using Cython and feeds on resources only when needed – a convenience that would hardly go unnoticed.

Checklist to cheer for Hug

  • Enables ‘Write-once, Use-Anywhere’
  • Built-in Version Management
  • Automatic Documentation Support
  • Annotation Driven Validation

8. Giotto

Type: Full-Stack Framework

Giotto is exclusive for web applications built in functional styles. This full-stack framework is an inspo based on the concept of Model, View and Controllers so web developers, designers and system admins can independently work on it.

It comes with controller modules that allow developers to create apps on the web, IRC and command line.

The Giotto framework has been built with a view to making codes easy to manage over longer periods of time. This is done so it becomes easy to deploy the codes in the long run. It further comprises of a built-in cache and supports for Memcache and Redis, the in-memory data stores.

Checklist to cheer for Giotto

  • Succinct Code
  • Generic Models and Views
  • Multiple Controllers that are Pluggable
  • Automatic URL Routing
  • SQLAlchemy for Database Persistence
  • Functional CRUD Patterns
  • Memcache and Redis Support
  • HTML with Jinja2
  • RESTful UI
  • CRUD Functionality

9. Pyramid

Type: Full-Stack Framework

Pyramid is a mega framework that has the ability to decide on behalf of the user. However, the latter has to befit the framework’s viewpoint so it doesn’t end up in a cash of opinions.

As the web application grows, Pyramid stops making decisions. To that end, it always aims at achieving the fullest with minimal complexity.

Although the framework is suitable for small as well as large-scale web applications, it is perfect for creating growing web applications such as CMS.

It is also ideal for prototyping ideas and handling API projects effectively. Pyramid is lightweight, transparent and quality-driven, which makes it all the more appealing.

Also, it delivers utmost flexibility when it comes to authentication and authorization. Its security arrangements are reliable and simplify the process of setting up and accessing control records.

This is one of its most desirable features. Pyramid’s abilities can further be extended using resources as per requirements.

Another intresting feature about this full-stack framework is its Traversal framework, which enables URLs to be mapped to code and makes developing RESTful APIs simple. Tech giants like Mozilla, DropBox, SurveyMonkey and Yelp are known to leverage its incredible features.

Checklist to cheer for Pyramid

  • Predicates and Renderers
  • Templating and Asset Specifications
  • Traversal Framework for URL to Code Mapping
  • Single-File Applications
  • Flexible Authentication and Authorization
  • Lightweight
  • Function Decorators

10. Sanic

Type: Asynchronous Framework

Samic is a Python 3.7+ web server and open-source framework. It has been exclusively designed for fast HTTP response via asynchronous request handling. It makes use of async/await syntax so the code is rendered speedy and non-blocking.

Interestingly, it allows user contributions. It has been proven that Sanic can handle 33,342 requests in one second with one process and 100 connections. The framework has been built on top of uvloop and is absolutely simple to use.

Checklist to cheer for Sanic

  • Enables Reading and Writing of Cookies
  • Varied Logging (Access Log and Error Log)
  • Class-Based Views
  • Decorators Support
  • Plugin Support
  • Support for Blueprints for In-App Sub Routing
  • Modifiable Configuration Object

11. Tornado

Type: Asynchronous framework

Tornado is an open-source web framework, a non-blocking web server as well as an asynchronous networking library. It is built to be scalable and to specifically handle asynchronous processes.

This framework can use non-blocking network I/O to scale to thousands of open connections. Thus, it is perfect for WebSockets, long polling, and web applications that need a long-lived connection for each user. Also, it is ideal for resolving the C10k issue.

Tornado further comes with an in-built HTTP server, which allows it to serve the applications. For application development that demands high performance and support for concurrent usage, this one is an extraordinary Python framework.

Checklist to cheer for Tornado

  • Non-Blocking HTTP Client
  • Real-Time Services
  • High-Quality Performance
  • High-Quality Output
  • Web Templating
  • Support for User Authentication
  • Support for Third-Party Authentication and Authorization
  • Interpretation and Localization Support

12. TurboGears

Type: Full-Stack Framework

TurboGears is open-source and data-driven. This full-stack web application framework has been built exclusively from the best breed elements available, which makes it absolutely royal.

It allows developers to come up with data-driven web apps that are critical and detailed. With JavaScript development tools, developers can further raise the standard of their work.

Using TurboGears, developers can easily and quickly create protractile web apps that heavily rely on database connectivity and elements like SQLAlchemy, Genshi, WebOb, and Repoze.

The framework pursues an MVC-style structure and further takes in large formats, ORM and Ajax for the program and server.

Checklist to cheer for TurboGears

  • MVC-Style Architecture
  • PasteScript Templates
  • Multiple Database Support
  • Function Decorator
  • Pylon Support
  • Cross-Platform OS

13. Web2Py

Type: Full-Stack Framework

Web2Py is yet another open-source full-stack framework Python enthusiasts love. It is scalable and has a personal IDE modeled on the web that comprises a one-click deployment tool, code editor and debugger, which enables building and debugging the code alongside testing web apps.

It further has a cross-platform web app framework with maintenance ability and a ticketing system that can detect errors. Web2Py supports Unix/Linux, Windows, Mac, Amazon EC2, Google App Engine, and many other platforms.

It pursues the MVC-style structure and comes with built-in components that help in managing HTTP requests, cookies, reactions, and sessions.

Using Web2Py, developers can build custom web applications and create dynamic web content quickly.

This framework has been designed to streamline application development via web servers, SQL database and similar online interfaces. Written in Python, this framework also includes Python Interpreter.

It allows seamless database connectivity and can effortlessly support SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Ingres, MSSQL, Informix, FireBird, IBM DB2, and MongoDB.

Furthermore, it offers security from common vulnerabilities such as Cross-Site Scripting, Injection Faults, and Malicious File Execution. Using the MD5 or HMAC+SHA-512 hash algorithms, it protects the stored passwords.

Checklist to cheer for Web2Py

  • Backward Compliance
  • MVC-Style Architecture
  • Support for Internalization
  • Easy to Set Up – No Configuration or Installation
  • Role-Based Access Control
  • Multiple Readable Protocols
  • Built-in Support for Cookies, Sessions, and HTTP Response Handling
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility
  • Modifiable Efficiency
  • Security from common vulnerabilities
  • Seamless Database Connectivity
  • Support for Web App Portability

14. Grok

Type: Full-Stack Framework

Grok has been designed based on the Zope Toolkit. It enables agile development for developers by choosing protocol over configuration and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). It is open-source and exclusively built to speed up web app development.

Using Grok, a developer can access a wide network along with independent libraries and choose according to the requirements of the task. This framework comes with an UI which is similar to that of Pylons and TurboGears.

It has a component architecture which enables developers to reduce unpredictability of app development with the help of views, content objects, and controller.

Overall, Grok offers the building blocks that are required to build worthwhile custom web apps.

Checklist to cheer for Grok

  • Enhanced Web App Development
  • Support for Custom Web App Development
  • Upsurging Core Technology (Martian’s grokcore.component)

15. Growler

Type: Asynchronous Framework

This Python framework has been inspired by Nose.js and Express/Connect. Growler has been written on top of the asyncio library of the programming language.

It is a tad different from typical Python frameworks in the sense that requests in Growler aren’t directly handled within it. Instead, they are passes through middleware technology.

The ability to implement complex web applications quickly and easily makes it a framework of choice among developers.

It makes program flow easy to see because expected callbacks, proper try and try blocks are absent. Growler supports multiple open source packages and uses function decorators to write clear, reusable codes.

Checklist to cheer for Growler

  • Absence of Callbacks and Proper Try/Except Blocks
  • Easy-to-see Program Flow
  • Open-Source Package Support
  • Function Decorators
  • Reusable Code
  • Zipping of Apps into Single Executable Files

16. BlueBream

Type: Micro framework

BlueBream is an open-source Python framework licensed under Zope Public License.

Formerly called Zope3, this one is known for its extraordinary scalability. It is ideal for medium as well as full-scale web app development, and incorporates components that are reusable and interchangeable.

Built atop the Zope Toolkit, BlueBream is extremely efficient and pursues the Buildout building system of Python. It further works with the Zope Object Database (ZODB) and ensures everything that is conducive to seamless and adaptable programming for web app development.

Checklist to cheer for BlueBream

  • Built atop the Zope Toolkit
  • High Efficiency
  • Scalability
  • Reusable and Interchangeable Components
  • Python Buildout System

17. Falcon

Type: Micro framework

Falcon has been specifically aimed at the rapid building of web APIs. It is one of the most widely used Python frameworks that doesn’t require loading of dependencies in large quantities to create HTTP APIs.

Instead, Falcon enables cleaner designs that support HTTP and REST architectures. Alongside, it also applicable for quick backend works and allows entrance to headers and bodies via request and response classes.

Falcon supports the WSGI library for building and has been dubbed Dieter Rams of web apps. This micro framework has been proven to be able to handle multiple requests using the same hardware unlike its contemporaries.

Suitable for medium as well as large applications, it strives for 100% code coverage – a reason why it has been picked by tech giants like LinkedIn, RackSpace ad OpenStack.

Checklist to cheer for Falcon

  • Dieter Ram of web apps
  • Extensible and Optimized Code Base
  • Request Processing Via Middleware Components
  • Header and Body Access Via Request and Response Classes
  • Cython Support for Added Speed
  • Upfront Exception Handling
  • Idiomatic HTTP Error-Response
  • REST-Style Resource Classes
  • URI Templates for Intuitive Routing
  • WSGI Support for Unit Testing
  • Clean Design
  • Full Unicode Support
  • Works with async Libraries like gevent
  • PyPy Support


Type: Asynchronous Framework

This Python framework is asynchronous and relies on Python 3.6+ features, including async/awaits. AIOHTTP leverages Python’s asyncio library, which puts it in this category of frameworks.

Apart from being a server web framework, it can also behave as a client framework when required.

To redirect queries to functions that can handle them, AIOHTTP enables a request object and router. It allows effective building of web apps via Middleware support and signals.

Checklist to cheer for AIOHTTP

  • Effective Building of Views
  • Signals
  • Pluggable Routing
  • Middleware Support
  • Client and Server WebSockets Support without Callback Hell

19. MorePath

Type: Micro Framework

MorePath has been labeled as the “Super Powered Python web framework” and rightfully so! It ensures minimal setup efforts and has been exclusively designed for making generic use cases work as soon as possible. This includes the typical Python data structures that enter RESTful web services.

This micro framework is absolutely flexible and model-driven. Within the framework, it can automatically convert defined paths into links to build web apps that have the cleanest URLs.

Checklist to cheer for MorePath

  • Reusable Generic Views
  • RESTful Web Services Development Support
  • Easy to Develop Generic UI
  • Simple, Coherent, and Universal Extension Support
  • Override Mechanism Support
  • Flexible Permissions

20. Pycnic

Type: Micro Framework

Another Python micro framework, Pycnic is absolutely object-oriented. It is believed to be the fasted framework for developers who want to build JSON-based APIs.

A relatively small and standalone web framework, Pycnic has been optimized to support quick development of JSON-based APIs with minimal footprint.

Checklist to cheer for Pycnic

  • In-Built Error Handling
  • Support for JSON-based API Development
  • Routing Handling
  • Cookie Support

21. Pylons

Type: Full-Stack Framework

Pylons is open-source and concentrates on rapid web app development. This framework has been built to include top elements and properties of programming languages such as Python, Perl, and Ruby. It is available in maintenance mode.

However, developers use Pylons because of its utter flexibility and extensive use of WSGI to enable reusability.

Checklist to cheer for Pylons

  • WSGI Support
  • HTMP Form Generation and Validation
  • URL Dispatch
  • URL Mapping Based on Routes Configuration
  • WebHelpers for URL Mapping
  • Text-Based Templating
  • Cross-Platform OS with BSD License
  • Third-Party Tools Structure
  • EasyIntall via PyPI

22. Quixote

Type: Micro Framework

Quixote is an open-source micro framework known for its flexibility and high-performance. It enables writing web-based applications using Python with complete efficacy.

It doesn’t enforce separation of presentation logic and back-end logic as such. Instead, it encourages developers to use traditional techniques.

Presently, Quixote comes in three major versions – 1, 2 and 3. The first two are alike but incompatible. Version 3 is the one that needs Python 3. 1st Version is currently not being maintained actively. Version 2 and 3 are, however, under active maintenance are extensively used by a number of public sites.

Checklist to cheer for Quixote

  • Open-Source Framework
  • Complements Individual Style
  • Uses Werkzeug WSGI Libraries and Jinja2 Template

23. Zope

Type: Full-Stack Framework

Zope stands for Z Object Publishing Environment. It is the first ever attempt at an object publishing methodology meant for websites. As a full-stack framework for Python, Zope is totally object-oriented.

This web application development platform can enhance its performance via Python code according to the requirements of the development task.

Thus, it enables a high degree of customizability for web apps. It supports Python 2 and 3 and includes page templates based on Chameleon.

Checklist to cheer for Zope

  • Customizability
  • Python 2 and 3 Support
  • Chameleon-Based Page Template
  • High Performance with Minimum Memory Utilization

24. Nevow

Type: Asynchronous Framework

Nevow is a web app framework kit written in Python and associated with Formless. It has been exclusively written to work on logic rather than elements, which can be avoided.

A Python XML expression syntax called Stan facilitates its expression programmatically. Nevow uses XML attribute language to enable facilities for edited templates substitution.

Checklist to cheer for Nevow

  • XHTML Template Maintenance
  • Distinguishing Data Based on Presentation Writing
  • Athena – Cross Browser JavaScript Library
  • Bidirectional Asynchronous Communication Between Python and JavaScript
  • Remote Procedural Calls

25. Bobo

Type: Micro Framework

Bobo – the Python micro framework is lightweight and enables WSGI support. It has been built to deliver ease-of-use and flexibility and to make web app development a fun job. It allows mapping of URLs to objects and calls objects to generate HTTP responses.

Bobo doesn’t come with a templating language. It doesn’t have a database integration layer either. Instead, it builds on other available frameworks using WSGI and WebOb libraries.

Checklist to cheer for Bobo

  • Lightweight
  • Not Obliged to Fixed Rules
  • No Templating Engine
  • Subtle Configuration

26. Muffin

Type: Asynchronous Framework

Muffin is a relatively new Python framework. It was invented in 2015 when AIOHTTP was still fresh and small. Built atop the asyncio module in the Python 3.4+ standard library, Muffin was the result of an amalgamation of tools like admin interfaces, plugins system, REST API.

It relates to Flask with URL routes and is ideal for small web applications that don’t need growing.

Overall, Muffin is fast and pretty straightforward. It supports Python 3 and gets its configuration options for files therein. Also, it uses PeeWee ORM in place of SQLAIchemy ORM.

Checklist to cheer for Muffin

  • Essence of Flask with URL routes
  • PeeWee ORM instead of SQLAlchemy ORM
  • Simple and Fast


Type: Micro Framework

Don’t confuse this one with Web2Py. The framework for Python is as simple as it is powerful. It is standalone, fast and simple. Each part of the framework is discreet and thus, makes an ideal way of developing web applications.

In other words, developers can easily work with to build web apps without getting overwhelmed or being under-confident.

Checklist to cheer for

  • Simple, Fast and Standalone
  • Developer-Friendly
  • Can Tell POST from GET
  • Supports REST API
  • Each part is discreet

28. Ray

Type: Micro Framework

Ray is very similar to Falcon and is useful in building RESTful APIs. A fast and simple Python framework, this one is best for building and running distributed applications.

It has built-in support for authentication and enables validation via hook at any stage of app development.

Ray also comes with libraries that speed up reinforcement learning and deep learning development. It further protects HTTP methods using Shields and is able to distributedly run Python functions over a cluster of machines.

Checklist to cheer for Ray

  • Easy Installation
  • Query String Support for GET Method
  • Shields for HTTP Method Protection
  • Features Similar to Backend Servers

29. Vibora

Type: Asynchronous Framework

Vibora is one of the most sophisticated Python frameworks ever. A Python 3.6+ HTTP client framework, this one has been designed for efficiency.

It is a hot mix of various libraries, including Jinja2, WebSockets, and Marshmallow. Vibora is a class apart because the web APIs build using it are mostly IO based.

Checklist to cheer for Vibora

  • Client Friendly
  • Domain Based Routes
  • Features Streaming and Caching Tools
  • Features Async Template Engine
  • Customizability
  • Persistent Session Cookies
  • Transparent Content Decoding

30. WebCore

Type: Micro Framework

WebCore is a nano framework for Python. It’s only a fraction of the size of its contemporaries! It’s so small, it would be a disservice to call it a micro framework.

WebCore is a direct reflection of over ten years of web development experience. It enables clean API for standard extension points and separates view, model, and controller.

With less than 400 source lines of code, WebCore is insanely easy to use. Developers can read and understand the whole framework all at once. This apart, it is also easy to adapt and enables quick programming. Its application class stands for a standard Python WSGI application.

Developers can pick the other components such as template engine, session storage mechanism, database layer, and even dispatch method to befit their requirements.

Checklist to cheer for WebCore

  • Easy Installation
  • Developer Friendly
  • High Adaptability
  • Reliant on webob package

In Conclusion…

There are so many Python web frameworks, you could be left spoilt for choice! But, this list should make it easy for you to choose one.

Get your objective straight and study the advantages each framework provides. You’d surely land the right one.

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Kumarpal Nagar

Kumapal Nagar is a Python team lead at MindInventory, a certified ethical hacker and proficient in AI/ML and cloud computing platforms, specialized in creating innovative, secure, scalable, and robust performing digital solutions using cutting-edge technologies. With his passion for always being up-to-date with AI/ML advancements and experimenting with AI/ML, he set up a proven track record of success in helping organizations leverage the power of AI/ML to drive meaningful results and create value for their customers.