Fashion industry

Mobile Apps are Greatly Influencing the Fashion Industry

The mobile applications have been creating one buzz after the other. There is no such industry that remained untouched and aloof from the clutches of the mobile apps. According to the stats of Business off Fashion, the fashion industry has witnessed a growth of about 2.5-3.5% in the year 2017, which was about 3.1% in 2016. At the same time, Gartner estimates that the number of Smartphones has already increased by 3.9% in 2016.

The arena of fashion world is gigantic and the trend keeps on changing at a rapid pace. What’s in popular demand currently, will lose its momentum after a few days. Fashion deals with the lifestyle of the individual and the way he carries himself of. It is very difficult to define the style statement in just a few words.

The advent of online shopping eCommerce apps and mCommerce has had a humongous impact on the fashion world. The style and fashion enthusiasts want to remain totally up to date with the latest and hottest trends sweeping the market. Simultaneously, it has offered a venerable opportunity to the large number of apparel manufactures and designers to reach out a large of targeted audiences. What’s more enticing for the customers is the fact that they are getting the biggest range of brands all under one roof.

So, if you want to reap the benefits of changing fashion trends with the help of mobile apps, please continue reading further.

1. Apps Help in Generating the Customer Loyalty

One of the most positive influences that the mobile apps have on the fashion world that it encourages the loyalty of the customers. Once the customers installs, downloads and gets connected to your app, he would always give first priority to your app whenever he needs to make a purchase.

customer loyalty

Moreover, the apps will remember the past purchases of each of the customer and send him personalized information based on that. The customers will feel glad to received personalized service in the form of a live salesman.

Apps also allow the potential audience to reach your online store at point of the day and from anywhere. They can access the clothing items and accessories at with just a tap and choose the ones to buy within their pocket. The existing customers do give their reviews that encourages others to peep in; thus increasing the customer base.

2. Apps Help to Scan Body to Get Apt Size

One of the key areas where the customers had to encounter a problem was with regard to getting an appropriate size of fitted clothes when buying online. However, thanks to the innovative app developers, this issue has been sorted out to a great extent with the help of apps that allow customers to scan their body.

clothing size

The buyers won’t feel frustrated anymore when they are selecting the products. Now it is obvious, that the increase in satisfaction level will lead to growth in the sales.

3. Apps are Mandatory for Designers and Store Owners

Today’s era is the age of competition. And if you want to succeed you have to keep pace with the technological advancement. So, as a designer or a store owner, it is must to have a mobile app even if you are conducting business on a small scale.

It offers you the most exciting opportunity to display your fashionable items to all the people worldwide. Because your store is online anyone can purchase your product; it does not matter whether you live in small town.

4. Reaching the Widest Zone of Niche Markets

If on one hand the app is allowing you to exhibit your products to the global audiences, it is also offering the chance to reach the widest zone of nice markets for those who are dealing in used designer clothing.

used clothes

Many people or even several charitable organizations approach for used outfits that are especially discarded by the designers. Such cloths are still in good shape and customers want to add them into their wardrobe because they are mostly available at most reasonable prices. This allows them to save a lot of bucks in the process.

5. Collaborating via Social Media a boon for the Designers

Social media integration and the mobile apps go hand in hand with one another. And the fashion industry cannot be left behind. The social media has proved to be boon as it allows the designers to coordinate with one another and get to know each other’s design.

You can also share the pictures, videos and posts to remain connected with the latest happenings on the forum of fashion and style.

6. Allows Customer to Upgrade his Wardrobe

The customers at some point of time feel that they need to give a new look to their wardrobe as the existing are no more trending nowadays. They want to add versatility and give it a refreshing appearance. So, the fashion dedicated apps will be a good asset that will help them in organizing a well-designed closet.

7. Apps Useful in Managing Store

One of the bigger advantages of having a mobile application for fashion store is that it proves useful in managing your store and keeps it updated. It may be possible that the attire that customer is asking for is not available in your stock.

The app will instantly send you the message that you need to stock that item in your inventory. This will indeed help in better store management as you will be aware that needs to be added and which items need to be put on hold.

got app idea


Today the fashion industry is blooming and showing a positive prospect for the futuristic world much of the credit goes to mobile applications. Millions of users today are utilizing the mobile apps to make their purchases as they are gaining from both hands. It is in terms of both reasonable prices on one hand, and also in terms of optimal quality on the other. So, if you are a retailer or a designer, it is high time to get your app.

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Mehul Rajput

Mehul Rajput, the Founder & CEO of MindInventory, leverages his visionary approach and extensive industry experience to empower cross-functional teams. With a focus on web and mobile app development, he drives operational excellence and innovation, consistently delivering cutting-edge digital solutions that exceed global client expectations. His leadership has positioned MindInventory as a leader in Digital Transformation, ensuring success in every endeavor.