Healthcare apps

How Mobile Health Apps Proving to be a Boon for the Patients

‘Health is Wealth’ – You must all be well familiar with this extensively used proverb in the day to day lives.

Medical science as we all are aware have travelled a long distance and today with the help of new research and technological advancement has given hopes to several ailing people worldwide.

Its amalgamation with the boosting energy of internet and the strength of mobile health apps has received tremendous response from the audiences worldwide.

According to Statista, which informs that the mobile health applications will become the second largest revenue generator by the year 2020, reaching up to 46 billion USD.


The mobile applications have transformed the facets of several industries prevailing in the market today. So, in such a scenario how could the healthcare sector lack behind.

The statistics of Accenture Consultants are adequately enough to indicate health apps are getting extensively downloaded and used; it has multiplied twice from 16% in 2014 to 33% in 2016. Thanks, to these useful applications, everything in the healthcare industry has got digitalized.

The mobile health apps strictly abides the regulations of the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) seriously committed to bringing a speedy recovery of the patients.

Read also: Important Tips to Make Your Mobile App HIPAA Compliant

Key Features of Healthcare Apps

The mobile app developers needs to be aware of the important features that needs to be stuffed into an app.

Moreover, the app have been classified accordingly based on their specific features and their area of function.

health app features

So, before we move on to the main course of discussion and view how the health based apps are proving to be a lifesaving drug, let’s first quickly glance through the general advantages of the app.

Robustly linked with one another

You must know that there are different types of health based apps meant for various clinical monitoring.

For instance, while some apps help in proper diagnosis of the disease, others assist in keeping a check on the heart rate and blood sugar level and diet chart of the patient.

However, the main point is that all these apps must be highly integrated and robustly linked with each other.

Easily Record all the Vital Parameters

Another important benefit of the health based apps is that they should record all the vital parameters of the patient such as his body temperature, blood pressure, sugar level and so on. It should be accessible without any difficulty.

Record of the Shifts

The hospital staffs work in shifts and these apps can help in maintaining this record. It keeps the record of the different shifts and that helps in assigning the duties.

Finding a Doctor

The app builders will add this feature wherein a person can immediately find a doctor or specialist in times of emergency so that the valuable life of the patient is saved.

Locating a Hospital

Most of the health apps be connected with the GPS technology so that the person can reach the nearest hospital in critical cases such as a cardiac arrest.

How is Health Apps Benefiting the Patients?

doctor patient

Timely Treatment and Consulting the Right Doctor

Today health is one of the major concerns for most of the people worldwide. So, these apps are a boon where immediate medical attention is required.

It can give a quick and apt diagnosis so that the treatment can commence without any delay. The apps also helps the family physicians and general medical to contact specialists who can better diagnose the health issue.

Booking of Appointments Made Easy

Gone are those days when the patients had to book the appointment with a doctor either by calling his assistant or travelling to clinic to get the name written in the appointment diary.

With the help of health apps, you can make the scheduled appointment from anywhere with just the tip of the finger.

Order Medicines Online and Get Home Delivery

There are many health apps that also facilitate their customers with online medicine and offer home delivery services.

The person just needs to register and then upload the prescription and make online payment. The medicines will be delivered at your doorstep within the shortest possible time.

Examination of Lab Reports

The apps are highly responsive and they allow both the patients as well as the doctors to view the lab reports as soon as it gets uploaded. You can fully trust on these reports as they are reliable and accurate.

Interaction with the Doctors

The hospital staff and also the patient at times need to interact with the doctor on urgent basis. They can go for the video call or a conference call and consult him to give proper treatment.

Helps in Maintaining a Healthy Diet

It has been found that people suffer most of the health concerns due to improper diet and unhealthy eating regime. So, maintaining a proper and healthy diet is utmost necessary so as to remain fit.

The apps will act as your personal dietitian instructing what to eat and in what quantity.

Apart from that, the patients are instructed for specific diet by the doctor. So, the apps will help you in preparing a diet chart, which will help in speedy recovery.

Mobile Health Apps – Future of Health Industry

With the passage of time the business and circumference of the health industry is expanding day in and day out.

The hospital administration and the pharmaceutical companies are trying to rope in more and more people considering the fact that the number of patients suffering from chronic diseases and health related issues are increasing at an alarming rate.

With the help of the apps they can provide a more personalized attention and service to the patients. The hospital can send notifications to the patients if they are offering any special discount on any test or diagnosis.  At times they do organize special healthcare camps where the treatment offered is free of cost.

The app developers while developing the health based apps need to keep in mind that they design a simple app which can be easily accessed by diverse set of audience, have easy to use interface, enabled with features such as the GPS to find nearest hospital or clinic and must be secure and scalable.

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There cannot be a single doubt that the mobile health apps has become one of the most important tools saving the lives of many patients.

It has led to quicker decisions and accurate treatment thus the chances of improvement in the health enhances. It has boosted and brought a significant transformation in the health industry.

So, if you too want to take a big stride forward and fuel your engine then it’s time to look forward to a reliable app development firm that can suffice your needs.

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Bhumi Goklani

If perfection in planning and project management has a name, then it’s Bhumi Goklani. She is a seasoned Project Manager at Mindinventory with over 11 years of rich experience in the IT industry. Specializing in Agile project management, Bhumi holds the prestigious Scrum Master™ I (PSM 1) certification, showcasing her deep understanding and mastery of Agile methodologies.