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Why iOS 9 Developer Will Use “HTTPS”

Do you know about 85% to 95% websites continue to communicate using unencrypted The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), regardless how insecure or unsafe that is? But, there is a better and secure way that is the secure version of HTTP—Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), and the ‘S’ at the end of HTTPS stands for ‘Secure’ means your connection is safe and secure, so it will be very harder for someone else to see what you’re doing.

What is HTTPS

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is an Internet communication protocol that protects the confidentiality and integrity of your users’ data between the user’s laptop /computer and the website. For instance, when a visitor enters data like name, phone number, email ID, etc., into a form on your website with the intention to subscribe to updates or buy a product or service, then HTTPS protects that visitor’s personal information between the user and the website.

Apple, the leading app development company has huge industry weight, and the company can make or break technologies through putting their support behind them or just ignoring them. Apple wrote in the pre-release documentation for iOS “If you’re (iOS developers) developing a new application (app), use HTTPS only. Also, if you have an existing app, use HTTPS as much as you can right now as well as make a plan for moving the rest of the app quickly. But, the question is “Why Apple is forcing its iPhone application developers to “exclusively” use HTTPS?

Here Are Some Good Reasons


The first reason on iOS9 app developers should use HTTPS is it protects your users. For example, a hard-and-fast workplace may terminate employment based on browsing activity of a worker / employee, or posting a news update on a user forum may cost a negative his / her life in a brutal regime. But, making use of HTTPS makes it very harder for them to know what users are doing as well as helps to maintain your users trust.

No History

One of the prime reasons using HTTP, when an ‘’http’’ sets up a communication between a server, then history is not recollected after the request has been accomplished. The efficiency of using HTTPS on web based applications may not be realized because of server and browser software. Also, HTTPS protects sensitive information by encryption, and that information is decrypted upon reaching its desired place, means you have to put measures in place to make sure the recipient computer is protected and secure as this is the only way to prevent data failure or break.

Protect Company’s Brand

Do you now unencrypted content can be tampered easily? When a user is reading a news Web site using HTTP, then the content of the articles or blogs could have been adjusted or changed by third parties using MITM (man-in-the-middle) vectors. For example, a shopping site where a product or item page is unencrypted, but the real purchase flow uses HTTPS. A MITM can change the unprotected product page, and making the “Add to Cart” button be their evil copy of the site, and the user and the browser will see no difference. So, use HTTPS if you want your users to see the content you posted.


HTTPS mainly helps to find out the information being transmitted, and using HTTP in web-based applications can distinguish between an audio file and a photograph. Therefore, users enjoy ease of use when using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. The HTTP2 and SPDY protocols, Service Worker and some other new technologies are designed to work better and faster with HTTPS sites. Although, these are not thought yet, but choosing HTTPS now eases future adoption.


Connectionless, also known constant connection as is another great advantage of HTTP. The connection is not needed when using HTTP on web-based applications and this provides you the opportunity to browse online at a very fast speed, which is not possible if connections were made open end-to-end. It prevents tampering by third-party apps, and stop MITM) attacks, and making a site safer for visitors. Besides, it encrypts all communications such as site addresses, which protects debit and credit card numbers, browsing history and of course social security number.

Help In SEO Ranking

Have you moved your site to HTTPS? If not, then make the shift quickly by hiring an experienced and professional mobile app development company today, because the giant search engine Google has considered it as a ranking signal. Thus, I believe it’s time to redirect your site from HTTP to HTTPs. Google has announced that moving to HTTPS will be adding an SSL 2048-bit key certificate on your website, and this will give you a minor, but surely ranking boost. But, you need to preserve your site ranking. For this, make sure every element of a site uses HTTPS that includes images, CSS files, widgets, java script and content delivery network. Also, ensure all canonical tags points toward the URL’s HTTPS version. In addition, Use 301 redirects to point all HTTP URLs to HTTPS, and update the robots.txt file and ensure the robots.txt does not block essential pages.

It’s not only Apple company, which is promoting the adoption of encryption, but White House has ordered all federal websites to be encrypted by the starting of 2017.

In this post, we have post enumerated some of the great reasons to go HTTPS, but it’s important to understand that HTTPS is not going anywhere. So, the longer you wait before you start moving to HTTPS, the deeper the hole you’re digging yourself into


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Mehul Rajput

Mehul Rajput, the Founder & CEO of MindInventory, leverages his visionary approach and extensive industry experience to empower cross-functional teams. With a focus on web and mobile app development, he drives operational excellence and innovation, consistently delivering cutting-edge digital solutions that exceed global client expectations. His leadership has positioned MindInventory as a leader in Digital Transformation, ensuring success in every endeavor.