

Guest Author

This blog post is submitted by guest contributor. Mindinventory accepts guest posts from entrepreneurs, small business owners, and business writers.

app marketing strategies

Stagnant App Marketing Strategies Are Hurting Your Brand

Old marketing habits can be hard to quit, especially if you’ve been using them for your entire career. But, it’s time to face the truth, you’re really hurting your brand. With the advancement of technologies, we’ve pretty much spoiled our customers. And because there is a lot of competition in the market, every brand wants […]

Avatar Guest Author June 15, 2019

Optimizing Website for Mobile? Here are the Mistakes You Should Avoid

With Google punching up to the new mobile-first index, you got to optimize your website for smartphone users. Having your website mobile friendly will determine its display on Google search results. The primary idea is to help users get what they need, in a smooth, seamless way. Due to the recent surge in mobile searches, […]

Avatar Guest Author June 30, 2018